Product Overview and Features
ExcaVision Grade Control System
The ExcaVision system consists of 3 wireless inclinometers installed on the boom, stick, and bucket. They send the angle information to a touch screen display inside the cabin. The display shows the arms of the excavator as well as the desired bottom and gives an audible alarm when the bottom is reached. Our automatic laser receiver mounts on the front arm of the excavator (stick) and keeps you on grade with the help of a rotating laser. Re-benching the system takes only 2-3 seconds, wasting no time when moving the machine.
The Bottom line: ExcaVision grade control system allows you to dig quicker and to exact grade. It virtually eliminates the need for a helper and allows you to dig all day in the comfort of your cab. Ideal for jobs of all sizes, from septic tanks and drainage fields to long trenches with or without slope.
• Reduced wage costs
• Increase efficiency and quality
• Hassle-free installation and operation
• Guaranteed reliability and functionality
• One System for all your equipment