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Comes with RD20 wireless remote display and recharging kit.
The Spectra Precision® LR30W wireless Laser Machine Display Receiver is designed to be used as a stand-alone display receiver on grading and excavating equipment including: dozers, backhoes, excavators, scrapers, skid steers, and levelers.
Features and Benefits:
• Use on grading and excavating equipment including: dozers, graders, scrapers, skid steers and levelers.
• Five channels of grade information plus directional out-of-beam indicators.
• Three selectable accuracies meet job tolerances from rough grading to final finishing.
• Full 360-degree reception picks up the laser from all directions.
• Ultra-bright LED’s with Green on-grade provides easy-to-see display to match ambient lighting conditions.
• Package includes LR30W (wireless), NiMH batteries, charger, RD20 and RD20 Machine Power Cable.
• Large bright, red, green and blue elevations LEDs; different colors for High, On-Grade and Low.
• Provides in-cab display of implement elevation, plumb and tilt.
• Allows in-cab receiver settings: On-grade and blade tilt offset, accuracy, excavator mode, LED brightness.
• Dual power: internal battery or machine.
• Built on speaker provides distinct audible tones for High, On-grade and Low.
• State of the art digital radio prevents interference even when multiple machines working in the same area.
• Multiple mounting systems include bolt-on, adhesive, swivel, and suction cup.