What is the best Leica robotic total station?

Many people wonder what the best Leica robotic station is. The question of which one to buy can be difficult, as many models and brands are available. With so much choice, it's hard to know where to start. First things first, what is the Leica robotic total station?

This is a surveying instrument used to measure horizontal and vertical distances. The term also refers to the person operating such an instrument.

Today, you can use Leica robotic total station primarily for cadastral surveys (mapping), geodesy (determination of latitude, longitude, and elevation), construction mapping, mining exploration, and engineering projects involving roads, bridges, and buildings. Below are some of the best robotic machines.

The Leica Robotic Station ICON iCR80

leica robotic total station

The ICON iCR80 is a system designed to be high accuracy and low-cost robotic station. The ICON iCR80- includes Leica Scan Station Software, has a user interface for easy operation and a robust design.

The system's design ensures that it's not negatively affected by environmental conditions such as dirt, dust, or water. The system does not need any calibration for distance measurements.

There are six models in this family, which vary based on size and accuracy. The two smallest models have an accuracy of +or- 1 millimeter (+or- 0.0004 inches), and the largest model has an accuracy of +or- 2 millimeters (+or- 0.0008 inches).

The ICON iCR80 Robotic System has a user interface for easy operation with a large 7" color display and handgrips designed for comfort and safety. A three-year warranty is also included to provide peace of mind with your purchase. There's no contract needed, so you're free to cancel at any time without penalty if you don't like what we're doing!

iCR80 Robotic machine also has a Bluetooth connection so you can download the data to a mobile device.

The Leica ICON iCR80 Features

The Leica ICON iCR80 features an increase in productivity, efficiency, and accuracy. The whole system comprises the ground control unit, the controller with the laser scanner, remote control, laser target finder (RTFF), tripod with leveling gear, remote control housing, and radio-controlled rover.

The Measuring Modes

Leica ICON iCR80 offers you the following measuring modes. Ranging, angular and linear measurement. The Leica robotic total station laser scanner helps make measurements with precision and speed. It is designed to deliver horizontal and vertical accuracies within 0.02° and 0.07mm, respectively.

Linear Measurement ModeAngular Measurement ModeRanging Mode
You can select from various options to take 2D, 3D, or even 4D linear measurements by simply pressing the corresponding button on the controller. The measured data is then displayed on the screen.

You can also switch between different preset values for various applications such as topographic mapping, infrastructure projects, engineering, etc. Moreover, you can produce high-quality images wirelessly through the Leica image processing computer.
You can make measurements using single-shot, continuous, or pulsed angular measurement techniques. You can take your readings in either decimal degrees or sexagesimal format. Four different preset values for each operation are also provided to meet project requirements. The range of this robotic station is 0-360° with a precision of ±2' / µrad (±0.0136°).You can select different options based on the application you are using the Leica ICON iCR80 for. You can set presets of varying measurement values to take ranging measurements with greater accuracy. The measured data is then displayed on the screen of the controller unit.
Multi-Target ModeProfile ModeVolume Measurement Mode

You can select additional options using this mode to take more accurate readings of areas where multiple targets are present. Also, you may want to capture different objects in a single shot. Moreover, the multi-target mode allows you to use colored reflectors to increase your target's contrast. This makes it easier for the instrument to capture it even from long distances.

The company designed this mode especially for profiling purposes and takes off-center angle measurements of slopes, roofs, etc.
You can use this mode to capture data points along an intended path and then display them on the screen. The distance between two consecutive data points is also calculated automatically based only on the ground’s inclination.
This is a unique application designed for architects to measure volumes of different objects with greater accuracy. After you have selected your desired measurement increment, switch on the volume measurement function to take more accurate readings.
Area Measurement ModeScanning ModeROD-Tilt Mode
This mode lets you take area measurements using specific preset values suited for topographic mapping or engineering projects. You have to press the corresponding function button before proceeding any further.This mode is used to take measurements in large areas where measuring the distance between two points with great accuracy is crucial. There are different presets available for specific applications such as topographic mapping, engineering projects, etc.You can measure angles of inclinations or declinations using this function button. The instrument starts capturing data points from the center and then moves along a predetermined path while incorporating tilt values which ensure greater accuracy in readings.

The ICON iCR70

What is the best Leica robotic total station? 1

The ICON iCR70 is Leica's newest top-of-the-line robotic station. This premium instrument offers the performance, durability, and reliability that professionals need, with advanced solutions for today's most challenging control tasks. The iCR70 has up to 7-axis robotic functionality, an angular resolution of 0.0003°, and high accuracy of 0.05 mm/m for sub-metric applications.

You can use The ICON iCR70 for railroads, mining, power plants, underground tunnels, and other complex environments. With up to a 1-second update rate on all axes and 1 million points per second throughput, the iCR70 accurately becomes your partner in achieving precision measurements at any scale. Whether it's for control, construction projects, or geospatial applications, the ICON iCR70-4210 has the power to keep up with your demands.

The Leica ICON iCR70 Total Station Features

The Leica ICON iCR70 has many features. Some of these features include:

It is an advanced robotic station that can measure both horizontal and vertical angles in absolute mode.The Leica ICON iCR70 has many accessories, including a USB cable for transferring data, rechargeable batteries, carrying case, etc. These accessories are readily available with Leica Geosystems dealers on request.
The Leica ICON iCR70 Robotic station is a durable instrument. Its polymer housing is waterproof, dustproof, and shockproof.Its power management system offers an unlimited number of data points per shot angle, making it very efficient in outdoor measurements. This feature reduces the waiting time between shots making the process more productive than ever before.
The Leica ICON iCR70 Robotic station works on three different modes. They include robotic, conventional, and remote modes.This instrument works with an external antenna that provides accurate results even at greater distances without any errors or delays in measurements when measuring long distances. The small antennas provide less accuracy, especially at long distances.
The instrument acts as a data collector for another device such as a computer or printer in remote mode. The user can copy the collected information to these devices with a USB cable. This concept is similar to how smartphones transfer photos and other files from one device to another wirelessly without any cables.The Leica ICON iCR70 saves time by coordinating with other devices automatically. For example, the instrument automatically takes over the laser alignment of a GPS device when stationary or when you need moving measurements.
It has a very accurate EDM system that measures angles less than 0.5 seconds in all weather conditions, including bright daylight to total darkness. It uses an inclined prism that reads out angles from -90 to +90 degrees. It can measure both horizontal and vertical angles with respect to true North, which is the reference point.This instrument is available in two colors, black, and orange making it easy to identify for users on site. Other features include an LCD screen that displays all data in text form, Bluetooth connectivity, voice prompts, etc. It is essential to choose an instrument compatible with any software you are currently using in your business. Also, you may want to integrate it into your workflow in the future using third-party software since most surveyors spend most of their working days outdoors, far away from their office.

The Leica CS35 Construction Tablet Computer

What is the best Leica robotic total station? 2

The CS35 from Leica is the best robotic station - hands down. It has a 35-meter range, a powerful 2500 lx light, and a high-resolution camera with a wide-angle lens. Plus, you can use its Level Shot application for precise site leveling, and it will automatically set the datum for your measurements.

Everything you need to operate CS35 is in its mobile tablet computer with an intuitive touchscreen interface. It's compatible with all the newest Leica robot models, including LMS700i MMC550i MMC5i MMP350i, and even the Geosystems ENM200.

The choices are endless when it comes to construction equipment - but this is one decision that won't leave you second-guessing yourself. Leica CS35 is the best robotic station on the market.

The Leica CS35 Features

The Leica CS35 total station is a sophisticated and innovative instrument designed to meet the demands of today's top surveyors. It provides precise measurements and high accuracy in tough environments. Its high-performance encoders and standard 3D functionality offer enhanced productivity and operating efficiency for any application you choose to run - from construction to mining.

Manufactured by one of the world's leading providers of precise measuring instruments, the Leica CS35 is a versatile instrument that's as comfortable with an optical plummet as it is with a prism pole. The device also has one of the most robust and powerful software packages in the industry.

Benefits of Using Leica Robotic Station

The benefits of using a total station are that it is easier to set up and set the measurement coordinates. It also saves the operators time and effort as they do not need to input data manually. Using a robotic station also has many benefits, such as accuracy, precision, and speed.

How Does Robotic Leica Station Machine Work?

Robotic total Station works through reflected light and sensors that record changes in its field of view. It does this by rotating two mirrors which reflect the light into an electronic receptor. This receptor has a fixed coordinate (x, y) and a moving one (z).

The z-coordinate moves depending on how the telescope moves. This data is then stored in the machine's memory for future references or calculations.

Furthermore, it also uses data from latitude, longitude, and height, which are linked to each other, and you can obtain it through satellite positioning systems such as GPS. By using this information, you can make data such as topographical maps and architectural plans.

Where and When to Use Robotic Station

Robotic Station is designed for versatile use in various environments: on-site measurement work, as well as for surveying and leveling from the ground, from the inside of a building, or a vehicle.

A Robotic total Station also has video positioning with two cameras. It will automatically track the targets you choose to lock onto, allowing you to visualize your whole surroundings on a high-definition monitor.

What does this mean? Imagine being able to see three dimensions with full 360° coverage. That is, horizontally and vertically – thanks to a beautifully designed robotic system that does all the thinking for you.

The company equipped Robotic total Stations with cable-free laser technology. This means that no more climbing up ladders or towers to fix a cable! You can quickly switch from observation work with an accuracy of ±0.2 mm at a distance of 100 meters to a robotic mode at a range of up to 3 km.

You can use Leica Robotic Station for many applications, such as:

  • Alignments and engineering work in road construction.
  • Precise leveling tasks on-site, both outdoors and indoors.
  • Site surveillance from the outside or inside of buildings.
  • Profiling sites through the machines’ scanning technology with video positioning. You can even get accurate three-dimensional models! The possibilities are endless.

How to Use Leica Robotic Station

The first step of using the machine is setting up the tripod, installing batteries, and setting it on ground level. You also need to connect cables from your computer or laptop with the instrument's interface port.

· It would be best to calibrate your instrument before starting any work. This is because it will make it difficult to measure distances accurately. Calibrating involves leveling out your tripod by adjusting its legs left or right until they're at equal height and then rotating them clockwise or counterclockwise until they're pointing in the right direction.

· After this, you should adjust your equipment to make sure that you point it towards an object of known length, like a ruler or tape measure, for example.

· Follow the same procedure to calibrate and level your instrument when moving and taking measurements at another location while working on a project.

Do you need more information?

Continuing your research on total stations, click the links below:

  1. Why you need Total Stations?
  2. How to pick the best Total Stations?
  3. Ultimate Buyers Guide to Total Station

Our articles will answer any questions you may have about total stations. They will also help you to understand which laser level will best meet your needs.

What is the best Leica robotic total station? 3

You can find robotic and manual total stations on our sites at the best prices.

Depending on the type of work, choose the right one that would suit you!

Call us today to learn more.



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